Box-Trailer, engl. Which Revell model still in the range could you change or add parts to? Very easily. The Kenworth W900 tractor unit. The Thurn und Taxis brewery in Regensburg owned such a truck with a matching box trailer and a closed trailer, which we call a box trailer here.In 1992 I photographed and measured the trailer truck in the brewery’s yard. Then the technical drawings were made of the trailer, which then went to the Heljan company in Denmark with the photos. This combination was delivered as a kit in 1993/94.The box trailer was also used in conjunction with Italeri’s Westerstar tractor unit. Although the tractor had a scale of 1:24, the trailer matched it, because I had constructed the dimensions of the trailer in such a way that it fit both 1:25 and 1:24. Had chosen the golden mean of the dimensions, i.e. not quite 1:25 and not quite 1:24, but exactly in between. Some of you will certainly have already built this Sortimo team, which also came onto the market in 1993/94.That was not all. A road train trailer was still needed. When designing this trailer, I had already considered such a variant, i.e. installing a third axle and trailer hitch at the rear. I would have liked to have had a cooling unit for this model, but Revell didn’t want to spend any money on it. But I was still able to develop the necessary dolly, it’s part of the job if you want to build a road train.