building a model from a kit is one thing. To create a model completely in the form of a self-construction is another. On the internet I found this picture of Engine 34 of the Solomons Fire Department in Maryland. I liked the Fire Truck right away. I wrote to the Rosenbauer company in America and asked if I could get a drawing of this vehicle. Days later I had it in my inbox as a PDF file.
If you are interested in the construction of this model, I recommend a look at the Wettringer Modellbauform, where the construction report can be found on ten forum pages with more than 600 photos. Here is the link to it:
17.06.2022: Engine 34 is done. After more than 24 months, there is now another model in the version of a US. Fire apparatus in my showcase. You more or less had the pleasure of watching me build Engine 34. 652 comments and 733 photos accompanied the entire construction phase. Engine 34 is my first extensive self-build project, i.e. apart from the tyres, rims and the engine, everything else was shaped by myself. The icing on the cake are of course the chrome parts, without that real shine the model probably wouldn’t look like you see it in the pictures. Here you can watch a small video of Engine 34: Media and YouTube.