Since I own the print films for this book, I am looking for a publisher who is interested in reprinting this work after more than 20 years.

This book was written while I was working at and for Revell from 1992 – 1999. My interest in heavy tow trucks in America was sparked by the development of the Peterbilt Wrecker kit by Stepps Towing Service in Tampa, Florida. I’ve been over to the US several times and visited tow companies as well as the so-called Tow Shows. I’ve been to Orlando twice, where the Professional Wrecker Operators of Florida (PWOF) show is held every April. There you can always see the latest from the companies that make such vehicles, e.g. Miller-Industries, Jerr-Dan, NRC and Vulcan to name a few.
Click on the photo and a page will open with many photos that can also be seen in the book.

After my first book about tow trucks in America, I thought, what is available over there in the States should also be possible here. So I thought about it and researched for a long time and was surprised at what I had found on the subject of heavy tow trucks in Germany over the course of time. Over a period of five years, I had collected a great deal of image and data material and processed it in a 295-page book. This almost 2 kg heavy work is still available from the Podszun publishing house.
Click on the photo and a page will open with many photos that can also be seen in the book.